Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday Word: Slacktivism

Slacktivism: the attempt to do good without getting up
(e.g. internet petitions, bumper stickers, political T-shirts, Facebook groups, one-day “boycotts,” blog posts...)


  1. Just so you know, my moderation has been turned off for a long while now.

    I only turn it on when SPAM gets heavy and then I turn it off again when things cool down.

    Just so you know, you can stop by and comment any time. Peace!

  2. ust so you know, you can stop by and comment any time.

    But, why, to comment...that's just...another form of... Slacktivism!

    And Ginx, I really can't believe you include blog posts in your definition. That would mean that my endless hours in front of the computer are just......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

  3. I didn't even know that the word
    I’ve enjoyed looking over your blog. I came across it through another blog I follow, and I’m glad I did. I am now a follower of yours as well. Feel free to look over my blog and perhaps become one as well.

  4. Tristan: you are taking the comment moderation stuff WAY too seriously :P

    SE: Yes... it sucks to admit what we do is borderline pointless, but that really as important as whether or not we enjoy doing it? Wouldn't we do it anyway, even if we knew we made zero difference? I gave up the illusion that I influenced anyone else's opinion a long time ago, and I am infinitely happier for it. Masturbating is also "pointless," but I don't regret it.

    covnitkepr1: I am flattered, and I'm sure you'll be wishing I would stop commenting on your blog in a few days.

  5. Ginx-

    My motto has always been "Content before comments."

    The only reason I comment is because I enjoy other peoples input and so my hope is that they'll comment back.

    But at the end of the day, regardless of whether they do or not or if I lock them out of my site for harassment, it doesn't really matter.

    I let the content speak for itself.


  6. they thought BOOBIES had no effect... WRONG!


    ETA: follow-up

    see how we take a term and convert in into its AUTHENTIC POLITICAL DIMENSION - THAT
    OF LIBERATION - not just merely harmless expression...

    they thought BOOBIES had no effect... WRONG!

    FOR THE *HEADLESS IDIOT* called m.shermer

    this is your *FINAL WARNING*

    the really SHARP END OF OCCAM’S RAZOR…

    they mix SKEPTICISM with ATHEISM…


    Now I want you to listen to this little f*cker...


    When I see your UGLY FACE I understand why you are an atheist


    Visit for the BOOBQUAKE

  7. "SE: Yes... it sucks to admit what we do is borderline pointless, but that really as important as whether or not we enjoy doing it? Wouldn't we do it anyway, even if we knew we made zero difference? I gave up the illusion that I influenced anyone else's opinion a long time ago, and I am infinitely happier for it. Masturbating is also "pointless," but I don't regret it."

    "Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted"
    -John Lennon :)

  8. they thought BOOBIES had no effect... WRONG!

    see, I just want to make it clear to the rest of you:

    jen is unable to see that there is a CONFLICT BETWEEN EROS & SCIENCE....


    ETA: follow-up

    see how we take a term and convert in into its AUTHENTIC POLITICAL DIMENSION - THAT
    OF LIBERATION - not just merely harmless expression...

    they thought BOOBIES had no effect... WRONG!

    FOR THE *HEADLESS IDIOT* called m.shermer

    this is your *FINAL WARNING*

    the really SHARP END OF OCCAM’S RAZOR…

    they mix SKEPTICISM with ATHEISM…


    Now I want you to listen to this little f*cker...


    When I see your UGLY FACE I understand why you are an atheist


    Visit for the BOOBQUAKE

  9. hey atheists don't BELIEVE IN BOOBIES!!!

    they thought BOOBIES had no effect... WRONG!

    see, I just want to make it clear to the rest of you:

    jen is unable to see that there is a CONFLICT BETWEEN EROS & SCIENCE....


    ETA: follow-up

    see how we take a term and convert it into its AUTHENTIC POLITICAL DIMENSION - THAT
    OF LIBERATION - not just merely harmless expression...

    they thought BOOBIES had no effect... WRONG!


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