Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pithy News 2/15/12

President Obama is meeting with China’s second in command, Xi Jinping. Obama is reported to have assured Jinping that “the check’s in the mail.”

Catholic clergy are up-in-arms over having to pay for birth control. They are claiming they are against any measure that reduces the number of young, supple boys in the world, and that the money would be better spent on out-of-court settlements.

The state of Washington has allowed gay people to get married, which was followed by a 6.0 magnitude undersea earthquake off the coast of its neighbor, Oregon. Neither resulted in anyone being hurt.

Whitney Houston died this past weekend, a day before the Grammy Awards. The music world suffered another tragedy this morning, when Kenny G was found in his home, perfectly healthy.


  1. Kenny G. is all you could come up with?

    1. It was him or Celine Dion. I'll be honest... I have no idea who sucks at music these days.

  2. In a case of irony, I was going through my old junk in a fruitless attempt to clean (it usually involves sorting for ten minutes, getting overwhelmed, then putting it off) and I found a bunch of old mix cassette tapes. One featured Whitney Houston's "I Will always Love You" along with Kenny G's "Forever in Love" ... hence, your post made me laugh far more than it should have ;-)

    1. I knew I was right to choose artists of the same era. My wife suggested Justin Bieber, but that would be so cliche.


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